PABL potato project, Birol, Dinajpur was started in 2015. At that time, there were 750 contract farmers and 600 acres of land. It was a remarkable day in PRAN history.
A wide range of unique potato varieties with effective resistance, strong variety characteristics, and a high yield has become a valuable product for both the Bangladeshi farmer and the consumer. Although PAL has been exporting potato varieties to Bangladesh for decades, in the last few years, PAL has been introducing its Next Generation Potato varieties there as well. Naturally, the seed potatoes PAL supplies in Bangladesh are fully certified.
The potato varieties Alouette, Levante, Twinner, Diamant, Courage, and Sunshine are shown underneath with their most important characteristics:

Uniform tuber size
High tuberization
Good storability

Large tubers
Beautiful appearance
Late blight disease resistance in foliage and tuber

Excellent frying quality
Good virus resistances
Good heat tolerance

Late blight disease resistance in foliage and tuber, no need to spray fungicide
40-50% less urea needed
Good tolerance for bruising
Good drought tolerance